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Case Management Services

Our case management staff works individually with our clients to create goals and action plans to improve many facets of self-sufficiency including increasing income and skills acquisition. The case managers also reffer Orpe Charity clients to other organizations that specialize in certain types of assistance or mentoring. The goal is for clients to become self-sufficient and be able to pay their rent or morguage consistently and on time. 

Case Managers at Orpe Charity work with individuals to provide emotional support, counseling, advocacy, and to identify immediate needs, making appropriate referrals to the Orpe Charity and community resources. Cases are monitored, as needed, to ensure that individuals receive the support necessary to improve their life situation.


Case management is available to assist with questions, and to take referrals from any staff, family, friend, or community member concerned about an individual’s well–being. Please call or e–mail any questions/concerns about individuals at

We assist with tthe following Services:

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